Rio de Janeiro:
It was quite a long flight and tiresome on this Journey. From door to door, it took me 27 hours total time traveling. I took a taxi to my small little room which I rent it online via Agoda website. In the booking said a hotel, but it is actually a 3 bed rooms apartment which is own by an Italian guy who rent out the rooms. I think the misunderstanding must be translation from Italian to Portuguese rather than English that why everything was screw up. Any how I got my bed and share a bath. That not what I intended, all I can do is to go with the flow. Welcome to Brazil…Smile… Went out to get a real typical Tourist Brazilian food. It was far worse than I expected. The food was like a buffet and everything tasteless, bland and very low quality. However, it was still higher grade than good old McDonnell in the USA. You can take want you want but you will pay by the weight. The buffet has grilled meat and typical mixed of Italian and spaniel foods. Surprisingly they are also Sushi with the lowest quality of fishes. My meal was R$85 (Brazilian Real). It was roughly about $27. Woke up call, some adjustment for the budget on the meal has to be revised.
Since I am here for the Famous Copacabana, I walked 2 blocks from my room and hit the beach. It was around 10 AM. I found a few people on this giant beach. I began to explore walking along the paved road. The temperature was increasing rapidly within hour it has increased from 75°F to 92°F. The sand was so hot and there was no shade from the tree. The little creature from California will be cooked, if I keep on walking in the hot sun. Escaped from the heat and went down to the bathroom underneath the ground. The Bath room idea was good. It’s about 15°F cooler. Now I will survive. Hanging around a small food stand and had found quite a few people whose can speak English. Got all kinds of advice from local about robbery from the thieves around you. Those crazy stories were not deterring me to explore alone.
Not until 2 PM, people began to come to the beach. Mostly tourists and some out of town Brazilians were at the beach. I asked the people who work at the food stall when people are really coming to the beach. They said not too many people on a weekday, but the weekend will be pack from 10 AM till night fall. They also tell that the thieves also visible today. I had asked them to describe how to detect the thief. They had told me it will be those poor teen and young adult males whose will do the stealing. They are from Favela (slum) nearby. You can tell by appearance of imperfect complex dark skin, curly hair and old or dirty clothes. Usually they don’t make eye contact with you. They will stock you, hang around and wait for the opportunity to grab your thing(s) when you are not pay attention. A guy told me if the chaos occurred, grabbed your belonging and hold it in front of you or between your legs. Sit and observe, and always ready to move if danger is closing-up to you. They also told me that at the beach there are no knife or gun point robbery. Usually a petty crime, grab and run. The young girls and adult female will try to offer you sex services for the bargain prices on the street. As your pick, disaster or Jail if thing want wrong. If you are insisted, try to pick them out at the beach or the bar, so you have time to get to know them. A quick turnaround for cheap sex, it will cost you and then you will feel like a real loser. Based on my references, Rio is like Cartagena in Columbia. If you go there, you most likely to lose. As it per in Thailand, watch out for the police, it could be a trap. Then you will have to pay a giant fine to support all polices at that station. Have fun. Since I don’t want to be harm, I considered those advises from those strangers as a bless. Will see how can I apply to my real life situation?
Ordered the coconut and shilled out observing the activities on the beach try to see if many of those stories were true. No, there no entertainment today. Retrieved and went back to the hotel. Get ready to see the 38 meter-high of Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) and Pao de Acucar (Sugar loaf Mountain).
Got myself situated and explored the map and direction and conk out of course. Get up early morning and decided to go the beach near me, Ipanema, for a swim. When I arrived, has to talk to myself…ya right you are dreaming, hello Khun Phant, cold is not your cup of tea. The water was 50°F. If I jump into the water, my ball will such back in my stomach. That will not be so cool. Since the sun still barrable so I walked along the beach for a good 3 miles. Marking everything that I supposed to known, so I will not get lost in the dark or in the chaos situation. Along my walk I saw polices and tourists, as well as the kids from Favera playing around the side walk. When I walked past the group the has more than 3 kids, my caution felling automatic popped up and protective mode has raised. Best way to walk with others and always look at corner of my eye. Make sure they will not come around my back try to grape something from me. Being on the watch at all time, was not the way to explore. I looked ahead along the walk way there were more many groups of those kids playing. Senses some wired crap might occur. I walked zigzagging avoiding an encounter with those groups and end up my walk at a nice restaurant on the Museum (Museu Histórico do Exército e Forte de Copacabana). By the time I finished a meal and visited the museum, it was 2 PM. Time to hit the water and sun, so I can get some tan to delineate the yellowness on me.
Hanging around on Ipanema beach was more mellow because it was less people and easy to get in and out the beach from the street. The beach area has smaller crown and actual beach is less than 70 feet which I can reach the water. Beach volley ball seems to be the most popular here. When I walked on the beach, there were many food stalls offering their services which have foods, drinks, chairs and some protection from the thieve. I took one services among those food stalls. The attendee said watch out for the people who sell things on the beach. They will grab your belonging and walk away. The food stall vendor also helped keep an eye on you if someone hassle to you.
On the beach seemed to have a few kids from Favera hanging around. Majority of people are local tourists and a good number of foreigners. Since it is Friday the beach was not quite as busy, but the weekend will be packed. The trick here was I have to walk backward when I went for a swim. The water was around 55°F, refreshing but cold. Came back to the chair everything still intact, happy. Soaking up the sun for a while, observing life on the beach. There were a few sexy men in short and knock out women in thong, the rest are as charming as I am, somewhat petite and bulky with beautiful face. Where is pretty people that had been portray for the sexy images magazine?
Went to lunch at the typical Brazilian fast food restaurant again. The typical buffet that have already made food and grilled, (beef, pork & chicken), as well as Sushi. You pay by the weight. I had observed and tried to evaluate many plates that had been weight. There were the same amount of food but slightly differences, the prices were not the same. I was wondered how they know how much they have to charge. I had asked if you go by head, and all you can eat, they said no. Ah ha, this is the neat way to ripped off customers, I doubted. I ate half of the food and doggy back other. Then I went back to Copacabana beach around 3:30 PM, looking for more trouble. And still wanted to see the chaos that might occur at the beach when someone start grabbing the tourists belong. Did not go on the beach because the sand is too hot to handle. Hang around the same food stand zipping my coconut away.
Order a plate of fried shrimps, the price was about $25. I wished this investment would pay off to see a commotion on the beach. Ate all my food, still the commotion was not happening. I left the beach and went back to the hotel and crashed. Woke up again it was midnight, people still walking on the street. This neighborhood is quite saved I presumed. However, I have never dare to go out to explore this place after midnight. Since I had a jetlag, so I stay up all night doing my computer work.
Next day went to see the Sugar loaf. It was a mistake on my judgment, I should pick the weekday. Took a bus and connected with taxi to go to base of the gondola station. Holly cow, the line was a mile long and the frustration had begun. It was hot about 85°F. By the time I got into a shad, I was sweating like hell, the water in my bottle had vanished and order smell from my armpits increasingly strong. Even me was unbearable with this auspicious scent. Now I found more amazing thing to encounter with. There were the other people smell with the Arabky perfume, my stomach turned. Looking around for the bathroom to throw up. I politely asked the couple behind me to hold my place, I will go to get some water. They agreed and also offered to buy some for them. Went out of the line head to bathroom and washed my armpits, the smell had subsided. Then bought two large bottle water and want back to the line. The couple insisted to pay me for the water. Sometime stranger has better behaved than some people I know, shame. I was tagging along the line for another hour chatting away with those couple from Texas, they were delightful senior citizen. After 1 hour and 16 minutes past, I was in the gondola frying up to the air and reach the top in 10 minutes. What’s a waste!
Clearly the view was spectacular and memorable, nothing like it. You can see all the beaches around Rio de Janeiro and the Bazillion icon, Cristo Redentor. Worth the hassle. Order the drink and snoop around taking countless pictures before the fog and haziness move in. Spend two hours at the top soak up the beating sun and the muggy air before I have to wait in line another 20 minutes or so to get to the ground. Took a taxi to the main road and the bus back to the Ipanema area. Right after we turned in the major road, Ave N Sa de Copacabana, the commotion that I been looking for was happening. The young black teen hopped on the bus and the bus driver stop the bus, got off his seat and came directly toward him grabbing by the neck and shouted at him. He slapped him then kicked him off the bus. No one say a word and doing nothing but looked. I presumed this is a norm! Well spending a whole day visiting the loaf, the armpits now can be washed. I felt like a new man and ready for some love.
Dragged myself out of the room and heading to Sushi Restaurant, hope have a good bite tonight. It sure did, $127 on the go, still have no love. Looking at the time it 8:30 PM, oop…my traveling rule have become an affect, not wandering around after 8:00PM. Taxi was my buddy at this point. Went back to hotel with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, happy like a clam. Spend my time doing a research about how to go to the train station at Cristo Redentor. The recommendation from the local was to buy a tour, But I was hesitated to do so. Because I am the chipmunk, hate to stay with the crown, I was not willing to be one. I am an unsettled tourist, I will find my way. Yes, I did but I couldn’t remember the bus number that took me there. I asked the bus driver, in English, where I want to go, he told me to hop on. About 30 minutes later, I arrived at the Trem do Carcovado (Cristo Redentor) train station. Solving that buy tour crap once again. Now a fun began. Here came the crap that I have to deal with.
The train leave every 30 minutes, cost R$70. If you buy online, there is R$4 fee. However, I couldn’t find any English website that I can buy the ticket. Maybe they did it on purpose. I try to buy the train ticket at Trem do Carcovado with cash, they were not accepted it, but if you buy with the credit card they do. Unfortunate they accept only card from Brazilian bank. Also, I had come this far, I will not jeopardize my credit credential with the identity theft. I refused to do so, that was 8 AM in the morning. I said, I can pay cash now, they couldn’t accept it. They said you have to buy a ticket through the financial intuition nearby. Holly crap didn’t think that hit me. This was a first time I ever heard about it. The dilemma of the story was, the friendly ticket place was not open until 10 AM. A light bulb popped up in my head, an alternative way has to be implemented. There was a nearby minivan operator that took people up, it cost a little less than a train cost, R$30. I decided to go up with them. The stupid services took me up right away, but it was a halfway. First, we reached a rest area and the place for tourists to eat and shopping. Then you have to get another ticket that cost another free, R$40, to go up to the Statue. It was so many people the waiting in line to go up. By the time I reach to the ticket window, I was informed that the waiting time is 3 hours for going up due to too many people there. I went nut, what da…F..k. I gave up at that point take to bus back down and head pack to my hotel. It was frustrated and really annoyed. I felt like being sexually molested without a fun. Mad and resentful, I made a determination that tomorrow I will show up at the special train ticket place with cash at 10:00 AM. And you, a Bazilliono, you will not win.
Next day I prayed and comforting myself if shit hit the fan again, I have to calm down and do the great Thai smile then arguing with whatever come. My goal is to claim down for a train ticket. Low and behold, I was the first in line and no one be hide me. Isn’t that nice? Walking back to the train station, it was a big surprise. There was a mass crown and the line was long. Can win, can’t I. Stood in line for 40 minutes finally I get into the train. It took good 20 minutes or so. I reached the top. Then have to hike the steps up to the statues. There was a mob of people, couldn’t took good pictures. The sky was slightly hazy not a good light for picture. I went for a lunch and took advantage of the nice view and people watch. Many seemed to be Bazillions. Didn’t run into any Chinese tour here. Why? After 4 PM, the crown subsiding, got to take better pictures. Come down the hill around 5 PM and arrived Ipanema a little after 6 PM. Skip the meal and went to bed.
Wake up early in the morning went for a walk on the beach, it was slightly coldly but by 8 AM the heat had increased, time to go to Botanical garden at the edge of town. Got a quick shower and heading to the bus stop near me. It took around 20 minutes bus ride to reach the place. The garden is huge, many trees and plant species I have never seen. I spend the good 3 hours exploring this garden. People were helpful many of staff speak good English. It was a present visit. Went back to the beach looking for more commotion will see what up next for my entertainment of the day. Hung around the beach try to capture the real Brazilian’ live. Beside individual vendors tried to sell their goods on the beach, the tourists looked as nervous as me. The beach was pack because it is Saturday. The commotion from stealing and people fight came by wave. Every time happening people grabbed their bags close to them. However, they were not hesitated and sat cautiously then go on with their life. I started to see many good-looking people went down for a swim. The waves were very strong, and lifeguards are not visible. Make your pick! Ordered a Bazillion drink, Caipirinha, it was awful, because the cheap liquor. I take Mojito any time. Hung around the beach until 6 PM, Commotion counts = 4, someone richer today. Walk away from the beach after sunset, I felt lucky.
Two more things that I want to do in Rio were, to visit the Olympic stadium and Downtown. Took the Metro Rio (Red line or line 1) to down town was easy, I wasn’t felt threaten as it seems. Subway is well organized, and people are more polite and helpful. Got off at Carioca station (know as center cultural). After I walked off the terminal, I felt the city. There were many homeless hung around in the park that above the train station next to Sao Francisco da Penitensia church. Many people walked around, mind your own business. It was quite safe just like any other big city that I familiar with. Walked around several block to feel if any danger pleasant, noop…didn’t find any. Time to let my hair down and whipped out my camera and started shooting. It went on for 2 hours. Didn’t fell any threaten or worry that someone will jump on me. Certainly, dress down, stay low key, and fully alert, are the big help. Time to feed my face again. After I ate another standard Brazilian meal (weight by a kilo), I continued my journey to my final destination, The Olympic Stadium. Jumped into the Metro again and got off at Maracana Station. Now I can feel the danger after I walked a half block toward the stadium, many people stared at me and people have asked me where I am going. When I said, I want to go the stadium. They all shook their heads and burst out laughing. One guy speak English had told me that you can’t go there. It is very dangerous even he won’t go there. Fist I think is he lying or testing the water. I continued the conversation with him. He said, after the two major events finished, the Soccer World Club and the Olympic ended, the government had abandoned the place. So, the Povera members had taken over and no one dare to get near the place. As stubbornness as I am, I have to test the water and verify if the information that I just got is valid. So, I said thank to him and continued my walk for a good 10 minutes, I found myself on the main street alone. No one walking around here. Looking for taxi but not one around. The fear had begun to creeping in. Started to get paranoid and felt nervous. If I had made costly mistake. I had to abandon the thought and walked back to the Metro station as fast as I could. That was close to 4 PM. I took 55 minutes Metro train back to Ipanema. The point had proofed, the desire to see the Olympic Stadium had subside, cried a little bit with another disappointed in life. Wiped my tear and move on. No hung up and prepared to depart Rio de Janeiro and heading to South Paulo. Still with me?

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